Warmages take the concept of "magical artillery" to its extreme. Some invocations add effects to the warlock's eldritch blast, causing sicknesss, or blindness, or fright, etc.

Most of these invocations may be performed at will, or have durations of 24 hours. Instead of spells, warlocks gain a limited number of invocations, spell-like abilities with a distinctively sinister flavor. The damage for this attack increases as the warlock gains levels. A warlock has an innate magical ability called the eldritch blast, a damaging ray-like ability. The Complete Arcane introduces three new base classes to the 3rd edition game.Ī Warlock has been given supernatural powers either he or his ancestors made a deal with a supernatural being. Complete Arcane presents additional rules and advice for the creation and use of character classes which specialize in arcane magic, which represents magic that is learned through research or inherent power as opposed to divine sources.